coronavirus slammed on the brakes in cities across the country, urban parking
and mobility were already in a state of profound transformation.
In a
new era of online reservations, ride hailing and vehicle sharing, electrification
and automation, boundless data and countless journey planning tools, the beaten
path suddenly looks a lot less familiar, and all of the wheels are squeaky.
In response
to this rapidly changing landscape, City Tech Collaborative launched the
Millennium Gateway Innovation Lab to explore, develop, deploy, and scale new
urban parking solutions and business models.
Taking a unique and inclusive approach, the Lab is reimagining parking as a critical access point to a
more closely connected system of urban places, modes, and services. To do so, City Tech and its partners are
integrating parking with other public
and private transportation systems, adopting new technology for smarter asset
management, and cultivating value-added services and space uses.
Read the full article in the June 2020 issue of
Parking & Mobility Magazine
, the International Parking & Mobility Institute's flagship publication.